Teaching Courses Program

The official language of teaching courses is Turkish

31 October 2024, Thursday

Hall A
13:30-15:10 An overview of Stroke and Nutrition
Chairs: Hasan Hüseyin Kozak, Levent Güngör
13:30-13:50 How Does Malnutrition Manifest During or After Acute Stroke
Erdem Yaka
13:55-14:15 Dysphagia After Stroke
Levent Güngör
14:20-14:40 Planning of Enteral Nutrition in Stroke Patients
Hasan Hüseyin Kozak
14:45-15:05 Management of Enteral Nutrition Complications
Mehmet Uğur Çevik
15:10-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-17:30 Case Presentations
Chairs: Hasan Hüseyin Kozak, Levent Güngör
15:30-15:55 74-year-old Diabetic Patient With Acute Left Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion, Cre 3.6
Yüksel Kablan
15:55-16:20 67-year-old Patient With Pancreatic Cancer and Multiple Cerebral Embolism
Hesna Bektaş
16:20-16:45 Vertebral Artery Dissection and Wallenberg Syndrome in a 38-year-old Patient With Metabolic Syndrome
Nedim Ongun
16:45-17:10 48-year-old CADASIL Patient With Decubitus Ulcers and Acute Right-sided Insular Infarct
Murat Mert Atmaca
17:10-17:30 Questions and Course Overview
Hasan Hüseyin Kozak, Levent Güngör
Hall B
13:30-15:10 Overview of Mechanical Thrombectomy - 1
Chairs: Talip Asil, Çetin Kürşad Akpınar, Zülfikar Arlıer
13:30-13:50 What Did The Contemporary Studies Add to the Classical Indications in Acute Ischemic Stroke?
Ahmet Yabalak
13:55-14:15 How Should Different Imaging Modalities Be Used and Interpreted in Acute Ischemic Stroke?
Ümit Görgülü
14:20-14:40 Aspiration or Retrievable Stents; any Differences in Clinical Outcomes?
Bilgehan Acar
14:45-15:05 Should We Perform Thrombectomy in Posterior Circulation Strokes?
Vedat Ali Yürekli
15:10-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-17:30 Case Presentations in Acute Ischemic Stroke Thrombectomy
Charirs: Emrah Aytaç, Yusuf İnanç, Recep Baydemir
15:30-15:50 Thrombectomy in M1 Occlusions – Advantages and Disadvantages of Aspiration
Muhammed Nur Öğün
15:55-16:15 Thrombectomy in M1 Occlusions – Advantages and Disadvantages of Stent Retrievers
Nihat Şengeze
16:20-16:40 Thrombectomy in Low ASPECTS Patients: Patient Selection
Ayça Özkul
16:45-17:05 Thrombectomy in tTandem ICA-MCA Occlusions
Murat Çabalar
17:10-17:30 Posterior Circulation Thrombecomies
Eşref Akıl
Hall C
13:30-17:30 Vascular Neurosonology
Course Director: M. Akif Topçuoğlu
Trainers: Dilek Necioğlu Örken, Ali Ünal, M. Akif Topçuoğlu
13:30-14:30 Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography
14:30-14:45 Break
14:45-15:45 Transcranial Color Doppler Ultrasonography
15:45-16:00 Break
16:00-17:00 Cervical Color Doppler Ultrasonography
17:00-17:30 Questions and Course Overview
The course will be conducted as a practical application course with ultrasonography devices. There will be no theoretical lectures. Participation in the course is limited to 30 people, with a maximum of 10 trainees for each module. The training will be given in three groups, and the groups will complete all three modules by switching between modules after each break.

Applications will be received in advance and participants will be determined according to the criteria determined by the congress organizing committee. The approved trainees will receive course materials prior to the meeting. The material must be studied in advance and brought in printed form during the course. There will be no on-site trainee registration. No additional applicant will be accepted to course in case of missing participants.